Sharon Marie Huddle: The Golden State Killer’s Ex-Wife

In a shocking turn of events that shook the nation, Joseph James DeAngelo, the elusive Golden State Killer, was finally captured and brought to justice in 2018 after a decades-long manhunt. While the world celebrated the end of his reign of terror, one person’s life was turned upside down – Sharon Marie Huddle, DeAngelo’s ex-wife of over four decades.

For years, Sharon Huddle lived an ordinary life as a respected family law attorney in Roseville, California, unaware of the dark secrets her husband was harboring. She met DeAngelo while studying law at California State Sacramento in the early 1970s, and the two married in November 1973. Little did she know that her husband would go on to become one of the most notorious serial killers in American history.

The Golden State Killer, also known as the East Area Rapist and the Original Night Stalker, was responsible for at least 13 murders, 50 rapes, and over 120 burglaries across California between 1973 and 1986. For decades, his identity remained a mystery, with law enforcement agencies tirelessly pursuing every lead in an effort to bring him to justice.

In April 2018, the unthinkable happened – DeAngelo, a former police officer, was arrested and charged with eight counts of first-degree murder, with additional charges pending. The news sent shockwaves through the nation, and for Sharon Huddle, it was a devastating revelation that her life was built on a foundation of lies.

In the aftermath of DeAngelo’s arrest, Sharon Huddle released a statement through the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office, expressing her profound sorrow and compassion for the victims and their families. “The defendant’s criminal actions have had a devastating and pervasive effect on my life and my family,” she wrote. “I will never be the same person.”

Despite being married to one of the most notorious serial killers in history, Sharon Huddle maintained her innocence and claimed she had no knowledge of her husband’s heinous crimes. She filed for divorce shortly after his arrest, severing her ties with the man she once loved and trusted.

As the trial unfolded, the world caught glimpses of the life Sharon Huddle had built with DeAngelo. They had three daughters together, born in 1981, 1986, and 1989, respectively. One of their daughters pursued a career as an emergency room doctor, while another became a Ph.D. candidate, their lives forever altered by their father’s actions.

In August 2020, DeAngelo pleaded guilty to 13 counts of first-degree murder and 13 counts of kidnapping to avoid the death penalty. During the sentencing hearings, Sharon Huddle submitted a victim impact statement, further detailing the profound impact her ex-husband’s crimes had on her life.

“The defendant’s criminal actions have had a devastating and pervasive effect on my life and my family,” she wrote. “I will never be the same person. It is an experience so foreign that even today, I am struggling with the reality of all that has happened and with finding words to accurately describe the physical, emotional, and psychological impact on myself and my children.”

Despite the unimaginable circumstances, Sharon Huddle has maintained a dignified silence, choosing to move forward with her life and protect the privacy of her children. Her life’s work as a family law attorney has taken on a new meaning, as she navigates the complexities of relationships and the aftermath of trauma.

While the world may never truly understand the depth of her pain and betrayal, Sharon Marie Huddle stands as a testament to resilience in the face of unimaginable adversity. Her story serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the human spirit can prevail, and the pursuit of justice and healing can ultimately triumph over the most heinous of crimes.


1. What was Sharon Marie Huddle’s profession?

Sharon Marie Huddle was a family law attorney practicing in Roseville, California.

2. How long was Sharon Marie Huddle married to Joseph James DeAngelo?

Sharon Huddle was married to Joseph James DeAngelo, also known as the Golden State Killer, for over 40 years, from 1973 until their divorce in 2019.

3. Did Sharon Marie Huddle know about her husband’s crimes?

According to Sharon Huddle’s statements, she had no knowledge of her husband’s criminal activities as the Golden State Killer.

4. How many children did Sharon Marie Huddle and Joseph James DeAngelo have?

Sharon Huddle and Joseph DeAngelo had three daughters together, born in 1981, 1986, and 1989.

5. What was Sharon Marie Huddle’s reaction to her ex-husband’s arrest?

In a statement released through the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office, Sharon Huddle expressed profound sorrow and compassion for the victims and their families, stating that her life and family had been devastated by her ex-husband’s criminal actions.

6. How did Sharon Marie Huddle’s life change after her ex-husband’s arrest?

After Joseph DeAngelo’s arrest and subsequent conviction, Sharon Huddle filed for divorce and submitted a victim impact statement detailing the profound impact his crimes had on her life. She has maintained a dignified silence, focusing on moving forward and protecting the privacy of her children.

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